EpiGen Ethiopia
Building Scalable Pathogen Genomic Epidemiology in Ethiopia
Objective 1
To strengthen the collection and analysis of clinical and epidemiological data and clinical samples, including the implementation of translational clinical research demonstrating the application of genomic epidemiology to inform public health decision-making.
Objective 2
To enhance the capacity and capability for pathogen genomic sequencing in Ethiopia, including strengthening the laboratory infrastructure, human workforce, pathogen genomic data analysis, and the integration of metadata with genomic data.
Objective 3
To develop and implement innovative digital diagnostic platforms and create semi-real-time mobile phone applications for public health and policy decisions.
Objective 4
To promote communities of practice and knowledge exchange through fostering African collaboration and networking in the emerging domain of pathogen genomic surveillance for infectious diseases, and thus open important surveillance/research opportunities.
About Us
The Aim of EpiGen Ethiopia
The 21st century witnessed an increased incidence of epidemics (Zika, dengue, Ebola, SARS), with the latest highlight being COVID-19. Following the outbreak of several infectious diseases during the last few decades, the need for generating real-time pathogen genomic data for public health action has become more important than ever. In the African context, infrastructure, human resource capability, data analysis, including bioinformatics, lack of linkage between clinical, epidemiological, and pathogen genomic data as well as the interaction between clinicians, researchers, and decision-makers are some of the major challenges.
The aim of the EpiGen project is to build capacity for…

Work Packages
The Work Packages of
EpiGen Ethiopia
Ethics Requirements
This work package sets out the ‘ethics requirements’ that the project must comply with.
Project Management and Overall Communication
Work Package 2 concerns the coordination and overall management of the project and enables the work in all other Work Packages...
Setting Up Networks for Collecting of Metadata
This work package focuses on identifying reportable infectious diseases using the IDSR system in Ethiopia, monitoring and collecting...
Enhance Capacity for Pathogen Genomics
This Work Package involves strengthening pathogen diagnostics capability through training, upgrading lab infrastructure...
Digitalization and Implementation Support of IDSR and (RDT) Diagnostics
The Work Package aims to develop and implement an updated digital data collection tool for participating sentinel facilities,...
Creating and Using Mobile Phone Dashboards for Policy Decisions
GDPR-compliant dashboards will be designed in collaboration with local partners to meet the specific needs of Ethiopia, including IDSR...
Landscaping and Connection to DHIS-2.
A comprehensive analysis will be conducted to assess existing epidemic preparedness data collection systems, followed by stakeholder...
Linkage to Global Health Research Networks
This Work Package aims to establish a strong national network. The goal is to align the project’s pathogen genomic sequencing efforts with Africa CDC's...
Dissemination, Exploitation and Communication.
In this Work Package, the consortium aims to disseminate, exploit, and communicate the outcomes and impacts of the EpiGen Ethiopia project through...
Collaboration Activities for Genomic Epidemiology in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Five projects were funded by GH EDCTP3- under the call topic HORIZON-JU-GH-EDCTP3-2022-CALL1-01-03...
Our Partners
EpiGen Ethiopia
Consortium Partners