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Home | Work Packages | Work Package 6: Creating and Using Mobile Phone Dashboards for Policy Decisions
Work Package 6: Creating and Using Mobile Phone Dashboards for Policy Decisions
GDPR-compliant dashboards will be designed in collaboration with local partners to meet the specific needs of Ethiopia, including IDSR conditions and neglected diseases. The dashboards will be accessible on secure and encrypted smartphones for policymakers and healthcare managers, with usage frequency recorded and feedback provided to relevant stakeholders. Data collected through the digital tools will undergo regular analysis, leading to improved data quality, adapted dashboards, and the drafting of Policy Briefs in coordination with the Ethiopian Ministry of Health. Data ownership will remain with Ethiopian stakeholders, and a web-based platform will be used for real-time data visualization.
1. To co-create and implement digital semi-real-time dashboards and install them on mobile phones of policymakers and health (facility) managers including geo-tagged Google Maps information through appropriate software.
2. To train policymakers and health managers on how to use the dashboards (technical assistance for preparing Policy Briefs).
3. To develop APIs to provide the linkage of the dashboards to the Ethiopian DHIS-2 national system through daily automated export files and feedback loops; coordinate with DHIS-2 through regular stakeholders’ meetings.
4. To secure Ethiopian data ownership and strengthen data analytical capacities through (academic) and local facility data interpretation capacity building.
1. Creation of a mobile phone dashboard.
2. Train the users of the mobile phone dashboard.
3. Secure local data ownership.
Work Package lead: EPHI