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Work Package 4: Enhance Capacity for Pathogen Genomics
This Work Package involves strengthening pathogen diagnostics capability through training, upgrading lab infrastructure with advanced sequencing technology, and enhancing workforce capacity through various training programs. It aims to generate and analyze a large number of pathogen genome sequences, particularly focusing on Salmonella typhi, to improve diagnostics and assess drug efficacy. Data standards and tools will be harmonized to facilitate data integration, and external quality assessment programs will be implemented in collaboration with several organizations. The project also includes uploading data to publicly accessible databases.
1. To strengthen the infrastructure at NPHIs building capacity for pathogen genomic sequence, including the development of QA/QC programs for pathogen genomic sequencing;
2. To strengthen the human workforce capacity and capability by enhancing the capacity for data management and genomic analysis, strengthening metadata collection platforms, genome sequence data storage capacity, linkage of metadata with genomic sequence results, bioinformatics and computational analysis capacity, and developing tools for enhanced data visualization in real-time.
1. Infrastructure upgrading.
2. Training.
3. Samples processing.
4. Integration of metadata and genomic data, and development
Work Package lead: HHUD