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Work Package 2: Project Management
and Overall Communication

Work Package Summary

Work Package 2 concerns the coordination and overall management of the project and enables the work in all other Work Packages to run smoothly and coherently and in line with the implementation section of EpiGen Ethiopia. The aim of this Work Package is to implement strong management structures to safeguard optimal administrative, financial, contractual, and technical management.

This implies progress control of each work package, coordination of different project activities, and implementation of quality control mechanisms by establishing and monitoring appropriate project standards.

  • 1. To ensure fulfillment of all ethical aspects of planned research activities in collaboration with partners.

    2. To manage intellectual property issues arising from the project, dissemination of scientific results (e.g., publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals, contributions to conferences, information to health authorities), and communication of project progress and outcomes.

  • 1. Project management Committee ToR.

    2. PMC meeting minutes.

    3. Project’s website.

    4. Progress and final reports.

Work Package lead: AIGHD and EPHI

Work Package Leads