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Work Package 10: Collaboration Activities for Genomic Epidemiology in Sub-Saharan Africa
In this Work Package, the consortium aims to disseminate, exploit, and communicate the outcomes and impacts of the EpiGen Ethiopia project through various channels. Within the consortium, virtual meetings will be held quarterly throughout the project, with continuous interaction via email and online platforms. Face-to-face meetings are planned during EDCTP's Forum in 2025 and 2027, and final dissemination plans will be discussed toward the end of the project. Within the scientific community, the consortium plans to present results at local and international research networks and conferences, submit manuscripts for publication (aiming for a minimum of 10 research papers), publish metadata/genomic data on the project website and share it with publicly accessible repositories and interested researchers. Teaching activities will also incorporate the research outcomes. With policymakers, the consortium intends to draft policy briefs based on the study outcomes to be presented to decision-making bodies at the respective countries' Ministries of Health and leverage the investigators' roles in various expert panels and organizations to disseminate the project results at regional and international levels. For the wider audience, a mix of traditional and social media platforms will be utilized to disseminate the study results. Additionally, a dissemination workshop will be conducted at the end of the project to discuss sustainability plans.
1. Establish a Genomic Epidemiology Network comprising all projects funded from the call HORIZON-JU-GH-EDCTP3-2022-CALL1-01-03 and the project funded under HORIZON-JU-GH EDCTP3-2022-OA2 which supports coordination activities for the collaboration and brings together the contribution from the Gates Foundation
2. Organize periodic meetings of the Genomic Epidemiology Network.
3. Establish joint working groups on topics of interest.
1. Collaboration agreement.
2. Yearly status update on collaboration activities.
Work Package lead: AIGHD