Preprint: Genomic characterization of a unique population of Leishmania tropica in a new emerging 3 focus of cutaneous leishmaniasis in Somali region of Ethiopia

Preprint Background:

Since the successful running of the Kala-Azar elimination program in the Indian sub-continent, the hotspot of worldwide leishmaniasis has moved to East Africa. Among the different affected countries, Ethiopia deserves particular attention, given the heterogeneous eco-epidemiology of leishmaniasis, its clinical polymorphism and the complex taxonomy of the parasites. The disease is endemic in different biotopes from low- to highlands and transmission involves different hosts and vectors. Four major clinical forms are encountered: visceral leishmaniasis (VL) and localized-, diffuse- and muco-cutaneous leishmaniasis (LCL, DCL and MCL, respectively). L. donovani (VL and occasionally CL) and L. aethiopica (LCL, DCL and MCL), are the most reported species, and L. tropica (CL) was signaled once in humans (1); in addition, several hybrids have been observed in isolates: L. donovani/L. aethiopica and L. aethiopica/L. tropica (2)

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Preprint: Genomic characterization of Dengue virus circulation in Ethiopia