EpiGen Ethiopia colleagues join ISGlobal’s Summer School Module on Biomedical Data Science & Machine Learning
From September 4-8, 2023, ISGlobal is leading an International Summer School in Global Health focusing on the wide applications of data science in Epidemiology and Epigenetics. One of the modules concentrates on Introducing Biomedical Data Science and Machine Learning. This online course, led by Paula Petrone, will help learners develop a comprehensive understanding of the cutting-edge advancements, applications, benefits, and limitations of data science algorithms in the realm of health and biology.
Seven EpiGen Ethiopia members (from the Ethiopian Public Health Institute, Jimma University, and Arsi University) embarking on this educational journey are poised to make valuable contributions to the world of global health research. As they equip themselves with the tools and knowledge of data science and machine learning, they will be equipped to understand machine learning, appreciate data science's role in life sciences, and effectively analyse novel datasets through data analytics and visualization techniques.
The EpiGen Ethiopia project uses techniques and tools found in the field of Data Science to model the spread of diseases and to understand pathogen mutations. This module will not only equip learners with hard skills such as data visualization and machine learning, but also widen their professional networks and expand their knowledge and perspectives by learning from and with other people working in similar fields across the world.
You can find the full details on the Summer School on the ISGlobal website.