Prof. Denise Naniche

  • Scientific Director, ISGlobal.

After undergraduate work at the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA), Denise Naniche obtained a PhD in Immunology in 1993 at the Université Claude Bernard in Lyon, France for work in measles virology and immunology. She later completed a master’s in public health/epidemiology at San Diego State University.

Denise has nearly twenty years of experience managing and leading research projects, supervising PhD students, and teaching. Her research draws on her expertise in clinical immunology and epidemiology to address issues in infectious diseases relevant to low- and middle-income countries (LMIC). She worked on HIV antibody neutralization at the Centre d’Immunologie de Marseille Luminy in France as well as on measles immunology and vaccine responses at the Scripps Research Institute in La Jolla California prior to joining the ISGlobal team in 2004.

At ISGlobal, she has dedicated the past 15 years to research in sub-Saharan Africa focusing on improving access to HIV diagnosis, treatment and control, working mainly in Mozambique. She is active in the supervision of Master and PhD students and teaches vaccinology in the ISGlobal Master of Global Health.

View Prof. Naniche’s publications (PubMed)


Prof. Dr. Torsten Feldt


Mebratu Massebo